Tuesday, February 17, 2009

department of public Works

From: Gade, Derek [mailto:Derek.Gade@sdcounty.ca.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 4:30 PM

Subject: RE: Site meeting today at Jamacha Blvd


Mr. Reynolds-


The next step in verifying the structural stability of the waterline pipe's is happening this week.  They are initiating destructive testing on a select group of pipes on Wed.  We will then get word shortly after about the potential to go forward with the work with the pipes on hand.


The traffic study has been reviewed a 2nd time and County comments have been provided.  Three alternatives have been reviewed for the new traffic circulation that includes requirements for new roads to be built or improved.  There were approximate 8 major comments we had. A third submittal is necessary to narrow down the final option.  I'm continuing to track it and work to obtain a final approval.  Due to the potential for litigation and the need to pursue additional monies through the bonding company it is difficult to put a timeline to it.  At our last major meeting, we seriously talked about our next steps and I see potentials for the negotiations to start soon again once we have a more definitive study and associated costs for the final option.  We are working in the right direction and the information is being shared amongst a number of DPW Sections and with the DPW Assistant Director.



Derek R. Gade, P.E.
Public Works Manager
Private Development Construction Inspection
County of San Diego
(858) 514-4673
5201 Ruffin Rd., Suite D M.S O-336
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 694-2354 fax


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

department of public Works

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Gade, Derek <Derek.Gade@sdcounty.ca.gov> wrote:

We had our meeting internally to go over a tentative plan to make some more room on Jamacha Blvd for bicyclists.  Some more questions came up and we are working on finalizing some layouts that we should be able to share shortly.  Then, I will need to share this with the developer and see if we can get a contractor to perform this work shortly.  I hope to have some confirmation this week or early next.  Please keep in mind Monday is a County holiday.  I should have some word by Wed., Feb. 18th.